Ukraine - What Is Going On?

Ukraine – What Is Going On?

1st April 2022

As I write this, there is a war raging in Ukraine between the Russians and the Ukrainians. The war began when the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, ordered his armed forces into Ukraine. This did not come as a surprise because Western politicians and NATO leaders were talking about it well before it happened. In fact, events had been leading up to it for years. So, what’s going on?

If you listen to Western leaders, this is simply an unprovoked attack on a sovereign country by an evil tyrant. They have deliberately simplified the conflict into a fight between good and evil but that is very misleading. There’s more to it than that. They have deliberately painted a picture of the ‘holier than though West and Ukraine’ against the evil Russians. But the truth is that none of the parties involved are without blame and none of them have clean hands. For instance, NATO have been deliberately provoking Putin for years. They have been pushing their influence further and further east towards the Russian border and threatening Russia’s security. And Western politicians have been egging Ukraine along into thinking that they could become part of NATO and the European Union. This was never going to happen because there has been a brutal civil war in Ukraine for many years. In effect, Western leaders have been stirring things up for years and using the Ukrainians. At the same time Ukraine is far from innocent. Within Ukraine there is corruption, criminal gangs and Neo-Nazi groups at work. The Neo-Nazi groups are armed and have a great deal of influence. They are fanatical and racist. When the Ukrainian present came into power, he said he would tackle the corruption and the Neo-Nazi groups but he hasn’t. A large part of the Ukrainian population is Russian speaking but the Ukrainian government has treated these citizens badly. Eastern Ukraine is dominated by Russian speaking citizens and the Ukrainian authorities and military have been engaged in a brutal civil war against them. Huge numbers of these Russian speaking citizens have died in this internal conflict but the Western media barely mentions this. The militarised Neo-Nazi groups have played a huge part in the killing of these Russian speaking people. When Putin explained why he was sending in his armed forces, two of his objectives were to protect the Russian speaking people in Eastern Ukraine and to get rid of the Neo-Nazi groups because the Ukrainian government was not doing anything about these issues. However, none of this justifies Putin’s use of military force. And he’s no saint either. He presides over a brutal regime which is intolerant of dissent and free speech. He presides over a fake democracy in which he has absolute power. And just like Ukraine, Russia has a serious problem with corruption. So, my first answer to the question of what is going on is that this is not a war between good and evil, but evil against evil. So, as Christians it is wrong for us to take sides and to join in the Western vilification of the Russians. We should not be encouraging this war by taking sides; instead, we should be peacemakers, doing all we can to stop the war through peaceful means. And we should do all we can to help those on both sides who are suffering. We should not be waving flags or using the colours of either side and we should not be joining in the conflict. And finally, we should not be boycotting the goods and services of either side.

To borrow the catchphrase of the comedian Jimmy Cricket, “And there’s more…” I now want to take a look at the consequences of this war and what it means for us. The Western globalists are using some of the same tactics for this war that they used during the fake pandemic over the past couple of years. The first of these is to create a narrative and then to censor anyone who does not go along with the narrative. So, they have suppressed Russian voices and anyone in the West who wants to say things that do not fit in with their narrative. This means that we are not getting a balanced and complete view of what is happening. The official narrative is extremely biased and the main stream media is very selective in what it reports and how it reports on the war. And on some occasions, they have told lies. Just as we did during the fake pandemic, we need to assume that the main stream media and Western leaders are lying to us and seek information from other trusted sources on the Internet. The next tactic they are using is to penalise those who are seen as the enemy. During the fake pandemic it was those who would not be vaccinated and this time it is Russians and their businesses. In other words, Western governments have been using banks and private corporations to stop lots of Russians from buying and selling. This should concern Christians because this is something that the Antichrist will do during The Tribulation. The globalists are moving rapidly towards introducing a global digital currency and under this system the banks will be able to control our buying and selling. They have also introduced an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) system to banks and businesses which is being used to control who can trade with who. That is what is driving private corporations to stop trading with Russians. These two systems can be used against anyone, including Christians, who do not conform to their narrative. We are seeing this being trialled in the Ukraine conflict and we need to prepare for this being turned on Christians in the future. Just as we saw in the fake pandemic, Western leaders are accusing anyone who says anything that does not go along with their narrative as putting out misinformation and disinformation. This is then used to silence dissent and free speech. Dissent and free speech are vital for freedom and democracy and yet they are being suppressed again. And this is going to get worse. There is legislation going through the UK parliament that will destroy free speech and as Christians we should be concerned about it because it will be used against us in the future. As Christians we should be lovers of truth but in the future our government and the globalists will make it much harder to find it. One of the aims of the fake pandemic was to destroy Western economies through debt and pumping lots of money into the economy (quantitative easing). Experts warned that this would lead to hyperinflation and shortages of supplies. That started to happen before the war in Ukraine but the war is ramping it up and is likely to be the straw that breaks the Camel’s back. We are heading for a global financial crash very soon and when that happens, it will be very costly for us all. It will be used to introduce the digital currency and a global financial system that will have a massive, controlling impact on our lives. A global financial trap will soon be sprung on us and it will enslave us. Another consequence of the war in Ukraine is the mass migration of Ukrainians westward as they flee the conflict. One of the aims of the globalists and Western Marxists is to break down national boundaries and identities. One of the ways to achieve this is through mass migration. As the Ukrainian refugees move into Western countries they will bring with them their culture, values and behaviours. This will have a varying impact on the identities of those Western countries. For instance, Ireland is planning to invite 200,000 Ukrainians into their countries. This is a 5% increase in their population. This is bound to have an impact on Irish culture, making it less Irish. The mass migration will also have an economic and social impact on the host countries. Most Western economies are very fragile right now and the migration will make it worse. The mass migration will also put a strain on public services and create pressures that could lead to instability. God’s design for mankind is to have nations each with their own identity and culture. Mass migration goes against this so, as Christians, we should be wary of it. Instead of supporting mass migration, we should be encouraging the waring parties to stop fighting and restore peace. Finally, it is worth noting that the Covid measures have been abandoned universally and that all of the Western leaders have now got us all to focus on the war in Ukraine instead. This has taken our attention away from all the harm they did to us during the fake pandemic. This war is very convenient for our political leaders. It has given them an opportunity to keep us in fear and take our attention from what they have done and instead to get us to blame Putin for all of the difficulties we now face. We should not fall for this.

This war in Ukraine has prompted some Christians to look at Bible prophecy to see if it has anything to say about what is happening. This has led some Christians to look at Ezekiel 38 & 39. Chapter 38 and part of chapter 39 describe a leader known as Gog of Magog who will come from the north and wage war against Israel. Other nations will join in this war against Israel. As they attack Israel, God will defeat them. Most prophecy scholars say that Magog is another name for modern Russia and that Gog is the leader of Russia. This war takes place in the last days and because we’re now in the last days, this has led some prophecy experts to wonder if Vladimir Putin is Gog and that at some time soon, he will turn his attention to the south and attack Israel. And they have good reason for thinking this. Putin sees himself as being divinely appointed to restore the greatness of Russia and he has shown his willingness to use military force to conquer lands. He has even made reference to himself as being the Gog of Magog. However, there is no evidence at the moment to show that he will attack Israel. So, we should not listen to those who are saying that he is Gog of Magog. However, he could become Gog and fulfil the prophecy in Ezekiel 38. So, we need to keep a watchful eye on what happens because, if Ezekiel 38 is about to be fulfilled, it means that the Tribulation is upon us very soon. And this means that we will soon be removed from the earth in The Rapture and this has enormous consequences for those who are Christians and those who are not.

So, the war is Ukraine is really part of the process leading to a one world currency, one world religion and one world religion which the Anti-Christ will lead. And we are witnessing this happen before we are removed. Life is going to get very difficult for us and we need to be prepared. Our faith is going to be tested. Now, more than ever we need to read the Bible, pray and trust in the Lord.

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