Darkness Over The Whole Earth

Darkness Over The Whole Earth

1st August 2021

Never in the history of mankind has evil been done to so many by so few. Over the past 16 months I have found myself increasingly becoming a watchman on the wall. What I mean by this is that I have been watching the activities of our enemy (Satan) and warning God’s people about what he is up to and what he has planned for the near future. What I have also observed is that a minority of people and organisations are perpetrating a great deal of evil against the majority. What is going on is truly, truly wicked and the vast majority of people, including Christians, are oblivious to it. In my blogs and on social media I have been pointing out what is going on but nobody is listening. Nevertheless, I will not give up trying to reveal the truth.

There are some Christians who are hoping for a revival but that is not going to happen. We are now in what Jesus called the birth pangs which come right at the end of this age. And once the birth pangs have begun there is no going back. The birth pangs are leading towards The Tribulation, not revival. The Lord is letting evil abound and get increasingly worse. He is letting sinful man have his evil way. And at the same time, He is giving sinful man a strong delusion so as to believe the lies of Satan. And all of this will lead to God’s wrath being poured out in The Tribulation.

At this time, Satan is being allowed to put in place a counterfeit kingdom. The features of this evil kingdom will be the exact opposite of the kingdom of Jesus. For instance, the kingdom of Jesus is characterised by truth, peace, love, unit, justice and grace. But Satan’s kingdom is characterised by lies, violence, hatred, division, injustice and bondage. And that is what is unfolding before our eyes.

And the main method Satan is using to put in place his counterfeit kingdom is the fake pandemic that is affecting the whole world. Those behind the fake pandemic are few in number and belong to a small number of organisations. These people are utterly evil and they are out to bring about the collapse of nations, to reduce the population of the earth through mass genocide and to enslave and control the masses. To achieve this, they have created a fake pandemic in order to get everyone jabbed with a toxic substance that is not a vaccine and to enable them to introduce population control measures which bring about enslavement. Their plan is going very well and we are only months away from a point of no return. And I am not making this up. There is an enormous amount of evidence that is available to prove everything I have said for those who take the trouble to do the research.

So, be warned, the whole earth is in darkness and it’s going to get much, much worse. It’s time to get closer to Jesus than ever before.

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